
About Me

I’m Poppy – Welcome to All Things Vegan. 

“You’re vegan? But what about cheese?!”

In 2017, the above sentence still raced through my mind when I met vegans – even after 13 years of being vegetarian. Don’t get me wrong, I had huge admiration for the choice they’d made. I just didn’t think that I’d ever be able to give up cheese and, turning vegan seemed so extreme. 

As time went on, my niggling concerns that being vegetarian just wasn’t going far enough for animal welfare and the planet grew. In December 2017 I decided that January was going to be the month I started exploring this unfamiliar world of veganism. But where to start? Well, I started by spending a minimum of half my days that month as a vegan. (That got around the fear of losing pizza completely right?). 

This allowed me to adjust to what I could now buy from my local supermarket, to find new recipes, substitutions and allowed the transition to be easier. For me, this reduced the risk of giving up completely if one day was particularly hard. Over those first few months I continued to reduce my dairy and egg intake, and by March I was completely vegan and an expert in seeking out those all important vegan pizzas. 

I enjoyed a few months of my new found vegan status. I was more aware of what I was eating, I was exploring vegan cafes in London and feeling like I’d nailed it. 

But then… I started to think about other items I ‘consumed’ and purchased, such as moisturiser, clothing, shoes, make up and cleaning products. I realised that my journey was far from complete and I had a whole new chapter ahead of me. Naturally, I did find some resources online, but I didn’t find anything that completely appealed to me or that provided me with a range of options that were in my budget.

Often, sustainable long-term change doesn’t come overnight, so I feel it’s important we recognise that we all have to go at our own pace and find the right way to make these positive changes. 

Why this site?

That’s led me to where I am today. I wanted to research and produce articles that provide information in a way that is:

  • simple and digestible
  • uncluttered
  • informal
  • non preachy
  • product focused

I hope you choose to join me and we can continue our vegan journey together, making it an enjoyable and exciting one! Whether you’re considering veganism for the first time, or you’ve been vegan for a while, this site should provide you with new information.

The realities are the many industries are far behind the rapidly changing food industry. As the awareness of other types of vegan products slowly increases, I want to be able to provide a place to come to to find those exciting new products! The overall aim of this site is to make it easier to live a cruelty free lifestyle. 

I’m always open to feedback, suggestions and any product/brand recommendations that you may have. I’d LOVE to hear from you, just head over to the contact page, if you’d like to get in touch. 

In the meantime, please take a look at the menu and see which areas take your interest. I’ll get back to finding some more lovely vegan products to tell you all about! 

Thanks for stopping by,

Poppy  x